$20 Dollar General Gift Card {Giveaway}

Monday, March 7, 2011

Time for another giveaway! This one is for a $20 Gift Card to Dollar General. Good luck and happy entering!

To enter:

Leave a comment letting me know what you like to read about on blogs.

For bonus entries (leave a comment for each bonus activity completed):

Subscribe to my feedburner emails
Follow me via Google Friend Connect
Follow me on Twitter
Enter my $10 Build-a-Bear giveaway (closed)

The last day to enter the giveaway is Sunday, March 20th (03/20/11). I will use random.org to choose a winner and will contact him or her by email (please leave an email if it is not visible in your profile).


  1. Denise S. said...:

    I like to read about how to save money.
    lazybones344 at gmail dot com

  1. Denise S. said...:

    I follow you on Twitter: @lazybones344

  1. Denise S. said...:

    GFC follower
    lazybones344 at gmail dot com

  1. Mami2jcn said...:

    I like to read about meal planning and diet tips.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  1. Mami2jcn said...:

    I subscribe to your email feed.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  1. Jenn S. said...:

    I like to read about money savers (coupons, deals, promo codes, freebies..etc), recipes and menu ideas, family activities.

    jas8929 at gmail dot com

  1. Jenn S. said...:

    Following on twitter: jashelep
    jas8929 at gmail dot com

  1. David said...:

    i love to read new product reviews


  1. Mysharona said...:

    I like to read about humourous events that happen in peoples' lives.

  1. mverno said...:

    i like to see new recipes

  1. tia said...:

    Money Saving tips

  1. mar said...:

    I like to read about money saving tips on blogs.


  1. reddon30 said...:

    A couple of things...life in general, then household tips and also money saving tips for everyday living. Thank you.

  1. reddon30 said...:

    I follow on Twitter: Rambling69

  1. Anonymous said...:

    I like to read recipes.

  1. elle_176@yahoo.com
    I love reading DIY activities. From decor, to clothing, to recipes. Or book reviews. Love to read!

  1. entered your build-a-bear contest

  1. Kia89 said...:

    I like to read about product reviews.

  1. Unknown said...:

    I like reading about online deals and coupons.

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  1. Unknown said...:

    GFC Follower (kport207)

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  1. dlhaley said...:

    I would like to read about recipes.

  1. cstironkat said...:

    I like recipes that are family and budget friendly.

  1. amp said...:

    I like to read about money savings ideas and new recipes.

    apoalillo AT hoTmaiL (dot) com

  1. Amy G. said...:

    I like to read about any good deals that are going on.


  1. Amy G. said...:

    I subscribe to your feedburner emails.


  1. Amy G. said...:

    I follow you via Google Friend Connect


  1. Amy G. said...:

    I follow you on Twitter: Heroesgirl314


  1. Unknown said...:

    Computers/graphic design

  1. mistee said...:

    I like to read about current events.

    misteedawnw at aol dot com

  1. April said...:

    I'd like to read about using coupons.


  1. Linda said...:

    I like to read about good deals on the internet and I really find the product reviews very helpful.

  1. McKim said...:

    I like to read about others unique life experiences.

  1. McKim said...:

    I'm a follower via GFC.

  1. skkorman said...:

    I like to read recipes and see photos of the final product!

  1. Sharon Harmon said...:

    I like to read product reviews ;)

  1. buzzd said...:

    Recipes and how to save money

  1. Shannon said...:

    I like to read about how to save money, be it how to use coupons, to how to make something at home. Money saving recipes or tips and post on where to get other information if I might want it.

  1. 5webs said...:

    I love to read about anything, especially a good deal that the blogger got at the grocery store, a disagreement that he or she had with his/her spouse, and parenting problems that she/he might be encountering.
    Alicia Webster

  1. 5webs said...:

    I subscribe via E-mail
    Alicia Webster

  1. 5webs said...:

    I follow you on GFC(5webs)
    Alicia Webster

  1. Anonymous said...:

    I love to read about cooking and new recipes you may try out. I also love learning about new products!

    hebert024 at aoldot com

  1. llinda29 said...:

    like to read about family life on blogs

  1. Unknown said...:

    good deals and giveaway
    thanks for entering me!
    Janna Johnson

  1. clc408 said...:

    I like to read about great deals and giveaways

  1. clc408 said...:

    Following on gfc (clc408)

  1. Ashley H said...:

    I like to read about couponing and saving $

  1. Ashley H said...:

    I follow on gfc agatewood1

  1. Ashley H said...:

    I follow you on twitter @shuggysmommy

  1. Tammy said...:


  1. hale2005 said...:

    I like to read about products.


  1. hale2005 said...:

    Following on GFC.


  1. hale2005 said...:

    Following MissMnemosyne on twitter.


  1. rsbkc4 said...:

    I am a GFC follower

  1. Ellie Wright said...:

    I like to read about good deals and new recipes.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  1. Ellie Wright said...:

    I follow you on Twitter @eswright18
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  1. Ellie Wright said...:

    I follow via GFC (ellie)
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  1. shannon thompson said...:

    i like to read the recipes and reviews. Im all about word of mouth on products. and it cute to see the pics you ladys sometimes post on your blogs ..


  1. shannon thompson said...:

    follow you on twitter

    sha t

  1. shannon thompson said...:

    follow gfc mommydoll13


  1. shannon thompson said...:

    entered build a bear


  1. Taleah said...:

    I like to read about real life on blogs. taleah AT roknor DOT com

  1. Taleah said...:

    I follow you on GFC - taleah AT roknor DOT com

  1. marcia goss said...:

    I like to read about ways to save money on groceries.

  1. marcia goss said...:

    I subscribe to your emails.

  1. kellyr78 said...:

    I like to read about everyone's latest news, deals and savings advice and recipe ideas.

  1. kellyr78 said...:

    I entered your Build a Bear giveaway

  1. kellyr78 said...:

    I subscribe to your email under KellywcuATyahooDOTcom

  1. kellyr78 said...:

    I follow you on GFC(Kellyr78)

  1. kellyr78 said...:

    I follow you on twitter(kellywcu)

  1. Jessica said...:

    I really like to read about reviews, hot deals/coupons/freebies/etc, baby and child development and fashion. Thanks for the giveaway!
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  1. Jessica said...:

    I follow you through google friend connect
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  1. dawns41 said...:

    I like to read product reviews, how to save money, how to be more green and recycle.

  1. Karla said...:

    I like to read about recipes and raising an autistic child
    karlatrx AT gmail DOT com

  1. Karla said...:

    I follow on twitter - @karlatrx
    karlatrx AT gmail DOT com

  1. wcc said...:

    I love reading product reviews, coupons and deals, & new recipes. Thanks for the chance! :)
    whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com

  1. wcc said...:

    I'm a confirmed email subscriber.
    whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com

  1. wcc said...:

    I follow you on twitter (@whitechocolatec)
    whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com

  1. wcc said...:

    I'm a blog follower via GFC.
    whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com

  1. Laura C said...:

    I follow on twitter

  1. Anonymous said...:

    I like reviews on personal care products and household products (appliances, cleaning, etc . . .). I also like tips on personal care.


  1. debbie said...:

    I like to read reviews of products, sales and cleaning/cooking tips.

  1. cjbstar said...:

    I like to read how others cope with everyday issues and stress. Thanks for the giveaway.

  1. I like to read about families with teens.

  1. I follow via GFC! I was the 100th person to sign up!

  1. pattycake said...:

    like money saving tips and recipes

  1. clynsg said...:

    I enjoy family stories.

    cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

  1. Kristen said...:

    I love reading about money saving tips. Things like freebies and coupons.

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  1. Kristen said...:

    I subscribed to your emails.

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  1. Kristen said...:

    I follow you on GFC.

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  1. Kristen said...:

    I follow you on Twitter (@aeris321)

    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  1. ky2here said...:

    I like to read about novel ways to approach routine things.

    ky2here at msn dot com

  1. ky2here said...:

    GFC follower kycouple2000.

    ky2here at msn dot com

  1. tnrina said...:

    I Like to read about ordinary everyday people facing thew same challenges, making the same mistakes, while looking for happiness as I do.

  1. tnrina said...:

    Following @MissMnemosyne on Twitter/@tnrina

  1. tnrina said...:

    Following your blog with GFC as Debbie Rinaldi publicly

  1. shelley said...:

    I like to read about health and fitness!

    shelleymikey at gmail dot com

  1. Julie Donahue said...:

    Following on twitter Mom2Ways
    juliesweeps at hotmail.com

  1. Julie Donahue said...:

    GFC follower
    juliesweeps at hotmail.com

  1. nhmoose99 said...:

    I like to read about saving money and best places to get coupons.

    nhmoose99 at yahoo dot com

  1. Kitty Cardero said...:

    I like to read about people's daily lives, saving money and interior design.

  1. I like reading about home decorating ideas, new recipes to try and new and unique product reviews.


  1. I am following via Google Friends Connect.


  1. Robin T said...:

    I love to read about new products and saving money

  1. Robin T said...:

    I follow via GFC - Robin T

  1. Robin T said...:

    I subscribe via email

  1. csue said...:

    I like reading about pets, opinions on entertainment, and product reviews.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    I like reading about pets (they are our babies!), opinions and day to day life!


  1. AngelaK said...:

    Sometimes I like to read about how to save money, or their lives!

  1. katklaw777 said...:

    I like to read posts about how to be greener(I am trying) and thriftier.
    I like when bloggers share recipes...I like to enter giveaways.
    I have three cats and a dog, so I like to read pet posts.
    I also am an avid reader of many genres, so book reviews and giveaways are cool. katklaw777 at yahoo dot com
    Thanks for the GC giveaway!

  1. katklaw777 said...:

    New follower on GFC with ktklaw777.

  1. katklaw777 said...:

    New follower on twitter with katklaw777.

  1. stacey said...:

    I like to read science blogs and product reviews.

    stberg123 hotmail DoT com

  1. Unknown said...:

    learning about diet tips

  1. Unknown said...:

    i follow GFC

  1. Deanna said...:

    I like to read funny, honest stories & reviews
    deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

  1. Deanna said...:

    follow on twitter @
    deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

  1. Deanna said...:

    email subscribed
    deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

  1. Suz said...:

    I like to read about good deals and giveaways.

    txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

  1. Theresa said...:

    I like to read about money saving offers, child friendly video game reviews, recipes, and giveaways.


    paradise459 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

  1. Theresa said...:

    I follow @MissMnemosyne on twitter (@marison459)


    paradise459 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

  1. Theresa said...:

    I follow on google friend connect (Theresa Mahoney)


    paradise459 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

  1. Unknown said...:

    I love reading recipes. I made the best recipe ever tonight and I got it from a blog.


  1. ard1977 said...:

    I love to read about product reviews and everyone's everyday lives. Thanks! ard1977@gmail dot com

  1. ard1977 said...:

    GFC follower amied027. ard1977@gmail dot com

  1. ard1977 said...:

    twitter follower amied027. ard1977@gmail dot com

  1. I like to read about what people did for the day (family activities, what they cooked, etc... along with pictures)

  1. Erica C. said...:

    I like to read about ways to save money and do things from home.

  1. Valancia said...:

    Shopping deals, food, any kinds of bargains

  1. Valancia said...:

    I subscribe to your email feed.

  1. Valancia said...:

    GFC Follower here

  1. Melissa B. said...:

    I like to read weight loss success stories.

  1. I like to read about new products, and I love giveaways!

    dwellenstein at cox dot net

  1. I am an email subscriber.

    dwellenstein at cox dot net

  1. I follow you via GFC as dwellenstein.

    dwellenstein at cox dot net

  1. Tracey said...:

    I lie to read about online sales and a humorous family life situations.

  1. Erin G said...:

    I like to read about coupons and other money saving things


  1. kat said...:

    I am big on using coupons and love to read more on saving money.

  1. kat said...:

    I now following Miss Mnemosyne

  1. kat said...:

    email subscriber

  1. Mary Gardner said...:

    i like to read product reviews

    jagar0047 at yahoo dot com

  1. Mary Gardner said...:

    i follow you through gfc as mary

    jagar0047 at yahoo dot com

  1. jzagarjr said...:

    I like to read celebrity gossip on blogs

  1. Barbarawr said...:

    I like to read about all the freebies that are available

    Email address is in blogger profile

  1. Barbarawr said...:

    I follow you with google friends connect - barbara wright

    Email address is in blogger profile

  1. I like to read about coupons, sales, and freebies

    itsjustme62613 at gmail.com

  1. follow you on GFC as its just me

    itsjustme62613 at gmail.com

  1. follow you on twitter from @mistysunrise

    itsjustme62613 at gmail.com

  1. JudyZ said...:

    I like to read about new sweeps

  1. mail4rosey said...:

    Cleaning tips, family fun, personal accounts of the blogger (always makes you feel more of an attachment to the blog), and recipes all entice me to a blog.


  1. JudyZ said...:

    I follow your blog on GFC as JudyZ

  1. JudyZ said...:

    I'm a twitter follower @potlicker26

  1. kelley wood said...:

    love to read about good deals!

  1. susan1215 said...:

    I like to read about freebies and good deals

    s2s2 at comcast dot net

  1. contestcrow said...:

    I like to read about how to save money.

    sinhead83 at hotmail dot com

  1. Katie said...:

    I love seeing before and after projects! with photos!!

  1. slehan said...:

    I like to read about giveaways! (and enter them, and win!)
    I also like to read about traveling.
    Thanks for the contest.

  1. Brian E. said...:

    Thanks for the giveaway...product reviews, giveaways, & new technology are my favorite blog subjects!

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  1. Brian E. said...:

    GFC Follower: Brian E.

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  1. Anonymous said...:

    I enjoy reading product reviews on electronics

    ardy22 at earthlink dot net

  1. liliesrnice said...:

    I am always on the lookout for new books and authors!

  1. Anonymous said...:

    subscribe to you via email
    ardy22 at earthlink dot net

  1. Anonymous said...:

    follow gfc
    ardy22 at earthlink dot net

  1. Anonymous said...:

    follow you twitter
    ardy22 at earthlink dot net

  1. Pamela S said...:

    I like posts about food/cooking or funny posts!! Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net

  1. Pamela S said...:

    I'm already a follower on GFC
    Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net

  1. Anonymous said...:

    I like to read about home improvement ideas. garrettsambo@aol.com

  1. Roxann said...:

    I like to read about moving saving tips.

  1. Roxann said...:

    Twitter follower.

  1. Donna said...:

    I like to read about good deals.

  1. Donna said...:

    I follow on GFC.

  1. Donna said...:

    I follow on twitter(donnak4)

  1. Donna said...:

    I subscribed by email.

  1. barblong said...:

    I like to read about different ways of saving money in day to day life whether it be regarding buying groceries or planning your next vacation.


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