Only two weeks until he's gone for 3 months

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
My sweetheart is leaving for a training course in two weeks and won't be back until it's nearly August. We've been apart before due to deployment, training and other stuff like that, but it never seems to get easy. This time I'm feeling an especially large raincloud because when he gets back, he's moving to another state and it will be several MORE months before I can follow.

We use Skype and email daily when he's gone to keep in touch, but there's a small chance that the lodging he'll be in might not have internet in his room. Needless to say we'll both be extremely unhappy if that is the case!

Do you have any tips for dealing with long-distance periods in relationships?

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's a WootOff!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

There's a WootOff going on at!

What is a WootOff, you ask? Well, was one of the original daily deal sites. Occasionally, this Texas-based company needs to clear out their warehouse, so instead of doing just one deal they'll do a day or two (or sometimes even three) where they post one item at a time at a sale price, following that item up with another one when it sells out. In the last few years they've added (toys and kids products) and (wine, cheeses and other gourmet items), they also run simultaneous wootoffs on these too! It's a great way to snag some deals.

The grand prize, though, is the woot "Bag O' Crap" (or BOC). At some point instead of a regular item a brown paper bag will appear for $3 with $5 shipping. If you're really fast, and I mean really really fast, you might be able to grab one of these fabled items. It's basically a mystery grab-bag with at least 3 items and at least one type of bag. People have gotten TVs, mp3 players, cameras and other awesome goodies - but some have also gotten 33 of the same calendars or a ton (literal about a ton, it was delivered on a truck) of car wax! It's always a mystery and always fun, so for $8 it's totally worth it.

Go check out the wootoff! It started today so it should run at least through tomorrow.

Cute Baby Ducks

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Some beautiful baby ducks for you on this gorgeous Spring day!

Found here.

National Geographic only $10 for a year on

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
It says $15 on the page, but you'll get $5 off in your cart if you order before April 30. If you've ever read National Geographic, you know this is an amazing bargain for the amount of quality content you'll get. We don't subscribe to many magazines, but at this price (cover price is $71, for comparison) it's impossible to pass up.

My guest post at Concert Katie's Blog: Classical Music 101

Monday, April 4, 2011
Go check out my guest post at Concert Katie's Blog!

Have you ever thought about attending a classical concert? Why not? Many people seem to have some apprehension about seeing a professional classical music concert, but there's a lot of reasons why you'll probably enjoy one a lot more than you may think. More

Katie writes about live concerts, scrapbooking, and other music-related topics. She's seen over 200 concerts, including 17 so far this year! She also runs occasional giveaways and posts about her experiences with developing her blog.

Tiny food - very cute!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I love small things. Doesn't this miniature wine and cheese table look amazing? Janet Uyetake makes all kinds of dollhouse-sized foods and accessories.

Do you know of any other good places to check out miniature food?

World's Largest Indoor Picture is 40 Gigapixels and Awesome!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Images by Jeffrey Martin,

Photographer Jeffery Martin created this record-breaking 360-degree photo inside the Strahov Monastery Library in Prague. It's stitched together out of 3000 photos at a very high resolution. It's so detailed you can easily read book titles on the wall and even study the brush strokes on the ceiling.

If you printed it out, it would be 78 feet long! Go here to check it out in zoom/pan mode.

Day off dilemma - what to do?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
My days off are usually Mondays and Tuesdays, but I worked yesterday and have today free instead. For some reason it's really throwing me off! I didn't schedule much because I originally had an event, but that's since been cancelled, so now I'm stuck with my wheels spinning. I think the gloomy weather we've been having is also taking a bit of a toll on me.

My restlessness is your gain - you can use the phrase "Wednesday Weirdness" as a bonus entry into one of my current giveaways.

Pillow Talk - Potential Tool for Long Distance Relationships

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Pillow Talk is a project by interaction designer Joanna Montgomery aimed at helping long-distance couples stay connected. It's still in the prototype phase, but she's gotten enough interest that she's already raised investment funds to help make it a reality.

It works like this: each person has a special pillow and a sensor band for their chest. When they go to bed, the other person's pillow will glow softly. When the other person goes to sleep, they'll actually be able to hear their partner's real-time heartbeat through the pillow.

You can find out more about Pillow Talk and check on how the project is coming along at the creator's website.

Starting to plan a new look - any suggestions?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I want to completely redo my blog's look soon. Any suggestions on who to go to for good layouts and graphics? Also, are there any resources on this subject that you've posted or found particularly helpful? I'd love to read them!



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